Cobbs Bin

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Where Ted Finally Rests

I read an article recently that the crypt above Marilyn Monroe was for sale. The owner of the crypt, whose husband currently occupies the space, was in need of cash and had placed the space up for auction. The bid opened at $500,000 and got as high as $4.6 million. The latest news was that the deal fell through but at least now I understand why.

With the death of the last Kennedy brother, the nation has lost the the lyin' of the Senate or should I say liar of the Senate. I guess both are accurate. Ted Kennedy was the least of the brothers. He did not have Jack's charisma or Bobby's drive. He also did not have the chance to spend the evening with Marilyn. Unfortunately he could not come up with the $4.6 million either.

He wanted his final resting place to be on top of Marilyn Monroe. After all his brothers had both spent time on top of her and he always wanted his turn. Now he will be forever buried in Arlington Cemetery, wanting to crawl away because that is where the real heroes of America rest. He knows that he cannot measure up to the lofty ideals of those who have given their lives for freedom. His goals in life were always to forward his socialist agenda and make us all slaves of the state. Freedom was only a word he used to rally the brainless sycophants of Camelot who held onto his coat tails, pining for the days of Jack and Jackie. Now he get a chance to see whether Ms. Kopechne was going to have a boy or a girl.



Sunday, August 23, 2009

Don’t’ Wanna Be Your Slave

I heard an interview concerning how the payment of income taxes has lead Americans to become slaves to the government. Up until the passage of the 16 Amendment to the Constitution, a working man was allowed to keep the fruits of their labor. Once the government decided how much you were allowed to keep, they gained control of your income. Now the government decides how much of your money you are allowed to keep so the fruits of your labor belong to the master not to you. We have in essence become slaves to our own government.

Now if I remember correctly, there is also a Constitutional amendment against slavery. The test says, ”Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction.” So apparently we are all guilty of committing a crime because our government has made us slaves.

When we have to work for more than three months just to pay the taxes on our income, there is a major injustice. Our government did just fine before the implementation of the 16 Amendment. It was just the desire to exceed the confines set up by the Constitution that allowed such a law to be put in place. Our Founding Fathers knew that an income tax was the road to socialism. They set the Constitution up to restrict the powers of a centralized government. The hatred of individual freedom and the love of power (money) have led us down the path of destruction. As Kunta Kinte said on more than one occasion, Yessa, Massa.

Not Cool


Saturday, August 15, 2009

Is That Light?

I am a big fan of movies as my posts indicate. They provide a universal back drop that most people can use to gauge events. One of my all time favorite movies, Forest Gump, has a lesson for the media elites and liberal politicians who are complaining about the response they are getting at the town hall meetings. The scene is a podium set up in front of the reflecting pool in our nation’s capital. The crowd is all there to hear protests to the Vietnam War and somehow Forest gets pulled up and gives a rousing but unheard speech. The media will always applaud a protest when it furthers their agenda. They splash it all over the news and praise its very essence. How herioc. How noble. How pathetic. Now that the silent majority is protesting, it is has to be staged or a big business plot to stop progress. In the media's mind, there is no way that the dopey, backwoods average American would think to oppose what is "good" for them. Their idea of progress leads to loss of freedom. That is not progress, its slavery.

What we need to realize is that a small vocal portion of the population has made it appear that they are a majority. The liberals have been showing up and playing the drama card to get attention and shape public opinion. The idea of PETA as a main stream movement is a farce. We eat meat and wear clothes. Thinking that animals are somehow equal in value to humans is absurd on numerous levels. Global warming is another cult that has somehow infected the minds of many Americans. When the main contributor to green house gas emissions is the sun, it is impossible to even try to look me in the eye and blame mankind. Welfare, entitlements, health care… You name the “progress” and you find a small group of liberals, looking for ways to destroy our freedoms and gain power for themselves.

This is what has the main stream media and the liberal government officials in an uproar. They cannot stand for their own tactics to be turned on them. They have poked the sleeping giant one too many times and they are pissed off. Those of us who love freedom and realize that we have lost too much of it are finally becoming vocal about what needs to be done. We have taken the page from the liberal playbook and are now on the offense. Pray that we can somehow swing the pendulum back the other direction and restore our country to the greatness our Founding Fathers envisioned before the wants of the few become the laws for the many.



Friday, August 14, 2009

Boycott Walmart?

The superpower super store has finally picked a fight that is diametrically opposed to the majority of Americans. They support the liberal health care initiative. Wal-mart provides part time employment to a significant portion of our nations retail associates. It would be a significant cost saving for them to put that burden on the American people instead of bearing it themselves. So why not support shedding health care costs in favor of higher profits? Oh, Mary do I have an issue with the worlds largest retailer ponying up to the entitlement bar. Disgust does not begin to describe how I feel.

I lose my freedom and Constitutionally assured rights so Wal-Mart can become more profitable. We have shown that pissing us off tends to be detrimental to your business. Just ask Exxon and Firestone. They however did not endorse depriving me of my freedom. Wal-Mart is promoting the government's involvement in all thing personal and private and that does not sit well with me.

So what do we do? Is Wal-Mart too big to fail? I for one will no longer visit the super centers and spend my hard earned cash at their stores. There are too many stores that provide the same prices and do not indulge in the profit for freedom liberal agenda. I realize that it is a businesses sole purpose to make a profit but being subsidized by the government to achieve that goal points to a piss poor management group. After all, Wal-Mart is a retail establishment, not a band of beggars waiting for a hand out. They might as well change their name to Welfare-Mart. It is where we will all end up if we are faced with government controlled health care.



Who Do Ya Trust?

I vividly remember the scene from the Michael Keaton / Jack Nicholson Batman movie with The Joker on a float throwing money to a cheering crowd. The is very enthusiastic and the crowd in falling all over themselves to get their chunk of the loot. The song in the back ground was Prince’s Trust. How appropriate that The Joker was planning to fill the air with poison gas. It comes down to who you trust?

Our government is embarking on a path to take control of our health care. The law, as it’s currently written, will allow anyone that is presently enrolled with an insurance company to keep their policy. If you switch jobs or lose your insurance for any reason, you must enroll in the government plan. Your spouse and children are covered by you plan until age 21 and then they are enrolled in the government plan. Within one generation, the government will have destroyed the health care insurance industry. The loss of jobs and commerce is enough to make me dislike this bill but that is the easy pill to swallow.

The loss of personal freedom that will result from the passage of this legislation will be a death blow to the freedom and liberty our founding fathers so eloquently provided in the US Constitution. We will no longer be free of the tyranny they fought so hard to escape from. With the passage of the current health care bill, our government will have access to our health records, our financial records and will be able to control and manipulate every aspect of our lives. They will decide what is best for us. They can decide what we eat, where we go, what we do, who we see and even decide whether we live or die.

Who would have thought that only 21 years after the fall of the Soviet Union that America would fall to a tyrannical government? The land of the free and the home of the brave no longer a place you want to raise children. Those of us who trusted our government to follow the rules that were set in place have fallen asleep at the wheel and allowed rot and decay to creep in and cover the one bright light in the world. Shame on us.

Not Cool
