Cobbs Bin

Friday, April 27, 2007

Amazed and Confused

It is amazing what happens when your life kicks into overdrive and things get busy. I cannot say that I am getting any more accomplished but I am spending more time doing it. Exactly what it is (ask a former President for further clarification on that subject) I am just beginning to find out.

Out company was just spun off from a major automotive supplier and with that comes the consolidations, reductions in force (RIF is the acronym and it does not stand for reading is fundamental) or rather layoffs, and all of the new and exciting requirements are part of being on your own. The facility I am at is looking to be the benefactor of great labor relations, good location and a solid management team. We are slated to begin a flood of transfer business that hopefully will not overwhelm our team. Since I have been through this before, I know what needs to be done to make it successful and am attempting to head off any potential disasters.

When something like this becomes your focus, it is difficult to research and develop ideas every day. I look back over the last month and realize that I have been missing in action most of the time. Then again it is good to be so busy that you don’t have time to fret away on topics that are not really life shattering. Not that I want to be remembered for how well I did at work. As the saying goes, no one goes to their death bed regretting the amount of time they spent away from work. Well maybe a few.



Wednesday, April 25, 2007

The Emperor's Tailor

Most of us have heard the fairy tale of the Emperor's New Clothes. As a quick recap, the emperor wants to be the most dashing, dapper, hip (whatever they are saying lately to mean cool) fellow around. He commissions for a new set of clothes to be made that will maximize the glam. So these shysters scam the emperor and actually send him out naked into the crowd. The emperor thinks he is sporting the latest in finery and his subject see him in the most undignified fashion (from a Victorian point of view, don't you know.) It is a very good tale of perception and how we can become so wrapped up in how we are perceived.

That is the tale I though of today when I read that Rosie O'Donnell was leaving the day time talk show, The View. Now I can't say that I am a Rosie fan. I think she is a narrow minded conservaphobe. Her views are akin to someone who thinks they can save the world as long as the world conforms to all of the phobias manifested in her psyche. I remember watching Rosie when she was the host of a Comedy Central show that featured new and upcoming talent. I thought she was very funny. I even managed to continue to like her until she attacked Tom Selleck for being a member of the NRA. That little tirad is what demonstrated to the world that she has issues and therapy ain't helping.

It is nice that she has removed the vestiges of trying to be liked by everyone and speaks her mind. What she doesn't understand is that she is creating the image of a crackpot. Her antics do little more than expose what she is afraid of and she is using her star power to try to outlaw her own fears. By taking incidents like what happened last week in Virginia and using her platform to excite fear into the masses, she does more harm that good. It is the continuous chipping away of our Constitutional rights through the law of fear rather than reason and logic that has gotten our nation into this path toward anything goes and if it feels good do it.

I prefer taking a moral approach when it comes to choosing right and wrong. I have 10 basic laws that were handed down from my creator. I have an eleventh law that takes the first ten and says that goes for everyone, even those on the naughty list. For those who have not spent a Sunday evening around Easter with Charleton Heston, the first ten are the commandments and the other is Jesus's "Love one another as I have loved you." I also have Ceasar (Uncle Sam) to contend with and the rules our Founding Father set up. They haven't changed since they were written although they have been added to. Just because we have the internet or socialist Europe, does not alter how our foundation should be interpreted.

Wow am I off topic. Speaking of Ceasar, I wonder if the Emperor would have been more comfortable in a toga or at least a nice pair of sandals.



Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Free Radicals

To those of us who are attempting to be health conscious, we try to eat those foods that are good for us. We are told that taking the right mix of vitamins and minerals and eating plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables will help keep our bodies healthy and operating above the minimum level. One of the things these vitamins are supposed to do is capture something called free radicals. A free radical is a molecule that is ingested that as it passes by strands of DNA, causes destruction to the molecules that make up that strand. The body does a good job of repairing the DNA but sometimes the damage is not repaired promptly or it is too great and we end up with a cell that has bad information. If that cell replicates, it transmits that bad information to the new cell. Sometimes, that information causes cancer.

The big C word frightens many people. Within my life time, a doctor’s diagnosis that you had cancer was pretty much a death warrant. You had the miraculous recoveries but they were rare. It was also the beginnings of radiation therapy and chemotherapy but for the most part you lost your hair, got sick from the chemo and died bald and sick. Getting diagnosed with cancer today is still a major life altering thing but the advances in medicine have greatly advanced the survival rate among the afflicted. The bane of the medical world is caused by something as small as a molecule that damages living tissue. It is not much different than the larger version of free radicals; the kook liberal fringe.

The radical movement was born during the long haired, hippy days of free love and responsibility avoidance. It was centered on getting out of an illogical war, Vietnam, but the weaponry of the radical movement focused its vengeance on the wrong group; the troops. It was so destructive because it was done using the free speech trump card. Troops coming back from the war were subjected to protests, being labeled baby killers and having urine and feces thrown at them. And all they did is serve their country.

We have a new batch of free radicals and those who have grown up once again using that free speech right to subject our citizens to a new kind of protest. The agenda of the major media outlets is nothing more than an extension of the free radical movement. They have made subjects like civil war in Iraq and Al Gore’s video on global climate change household topics while never showing the other side of either topic. There is never a level playing field with the free radicals of the mass media. It is always what is on their agenda and never just what is actually happening. After all, that would be reporting the news and not preaching an agenda. What is sad is the destructive nature of what they pound into the minds of those that watch them causes the same problems as the destruction of DNA. Some people can heal themselves, some people get enough of the cure that they become healthy again but like the medical technology of my youth, there are many walking around, sick with the cancer of misinformation and misguided agendas.



Friday, April 20, 2007

Maximum Crazy

There has been a lapse in my blog entries over the past two weeks. It is not due to the lack of things to write about. The news and kook fronts have been heavy with opportunities to point out their absurd exploits. I know I could have had more fun than a barrel of eels in a goat roping contest with such a wide spread to choose from but due to the insane work schedule, I have lost that chance. It is not like another window will not crash open soon and provide another week of insanity.

I do want to say a final farewell to one of America’s great authors. Kurt Vonnegut passed away last week. Although he wrote from a perspective that I did not always agree with, he entertained his readers and provided ideas and avenues for them to explore. My first exposure to Vonnegut’s work was reading Sirens of Titan. I took a science fiction based composition class in college. We had to read a myriad to different science fiction novels and short stories. I found the exploits of Malachi Constant (I pronounced it using the chi like Chachi from Happy Days ending instead of Malaki) amusing and the hound of space Kazak to be inspired. The idea that our entire life was predetermined and directed by unseen forces slapped the face of free will and made a nail hanger college student resent God’s interference in my life even more. I have subsequently grown past that misguided idea.

I went on to read everything I could find by Vonnegut. He wrote plays, essays and numerous novels all of which held some nugget of wisdom. I was excited when I watched the Rodney Dangerfield movie, Back To School. Dangerfield’s character had hired Vonnegut to write a paper on his writings and had received a failing grade on it. Vonnegut made a cameo appearance in the movie when he was chastised for the poor quality of the paper about himself. Although his later writings became more and more kook fringe oriented, he still entertained with the humor of his characters. By providing a humorous vehicle for his readers, Vonnegut continued to entertain, even though his output dwindled to a minimum.

So farewell Kurt Vonnegut. Your gifts to the world of literature will keep entertaining readers for years to come.



Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Parade of Tortured Victims

The tragedy that happened at Virginia Tech leaves a deep scar across the heart of all Americans. That such a wide spread attack could happen in America should be an eye opener to all Americans who cherish the rights and freedoms that we hold so dear. Unfortunately the tragedy did not end when the trigger finger of the murderer stopped twitching. It continued with the media’s parade of victims, specialists, and analysts that blanketed the airwaves despite having nothing to report. Freedom of the press is a cherished American freedom. Unfortunately, it is so horribly abused; it becomes more of a disgrace. How a reporter can stand there and continue to ask the same convoluted questions over and over trying to get a different answer sickens me. The constant barrage was done for ratings and the opportunity to move to the network. The killer did not stop soon enough to suit me. He should have requested a few reporters first. That would be news worth watching.

I just happened to be in Pennsylvania yesterday morning so I was eating breakfast in the motel restaurant. So I was forced to endure the communist news network (CNN) and their reporter asking an eye witness again and again about what he saw. The poor kid was melting down on the TV and she stood there and pounded him with questions. She was waiting for him to start balling uncontrollably which made my blood boil. These poor kids have endured a massive tragedy in their homes. People they knew and places they spent class time in were violated by a demon (I cannot call the killer human, it would be too kind) masquerading as one of them. This reporter did not have the decency to respect those students and leave them alone. The public has a right to know. I’m sorry, but not at the expense of humiliating someone like that.

I realize why I do not watch any television news. It has gotten worse since stopped watching 15 years ago. It is alright to report on what happened but forcing the victims to speculate on what happened in a constant pounding of questions makes torturing terrorists seem like a day at the petting zoo. They rail against how our government treats known terrorists but they treat victims of real tragedies like they have just spit on Walter Cronkite. How dare they! We need the Constitutional right to freedom of the press to keep our politicians and government officials from spewing their stream of lies. Without the ability to root out those lies, we would be overwhelmed and our rights gone forever. But when the reporters become the actual instigators of torture, they have overstepped their bounds. Thank God for the off switch.

I not cool


Saturday, April 07, 2007

And Then Some

Tomorrow is the celebration of the resurrection of my personal savior, Jesus Christ. For many Christians, this is one of the two Sunday's they attend church for the year. Who wants to sit in a hard pew and listen to a person they do not know drone on about their eternal salvation. After all there are Walleye running in the Maumee and if it were slightly warmer, the siren call of the golf course. And what if I went out and had a few to many last night. I would be in no condition to sit through that hour long service. We all have our excuses for not wanting to be in the house of God. After all, not going is much easier and in the long run, I can get so much more done by not going.

So we dress in our finery and attend on the two major Christian holidays and make that mental pledge that we will come again next Sunday. Well, next Sunday it is raining or the sun is shining or any myriad of reasons and we say maybe next Sunday. Before you know it, it is Christmas again and the process is repeated. It is so easy to not attend church. After all, I know a few Christians and they are not all they are cracked up to be. They drink and smoke cigars and I have even heard a few off color jokes. How can they be both upright and Christian folk and such despicable sinners at the same time? At John McClane says in the original Die Hard, "Welcome to the party pal."

Jesus says it best by letting us know we are all sinners and fall short of the glory of God. That is how a Christian can be a sinner. We all are. No one escapes the temptation of sin and even the most advanced Christian frequently trips on their daily walk. It is going to church and being with those who know Christ that we can work through our own temptations and strive to be better Christians. We can only be better. The one who arose on the third day is the only one who really walked the walk. With everything he had in his back pocket (or whatever they had on their robes), you can bet that the temptation was overwhelming.

So rejoice for tomorrow our Savior comes to wipe away the sins of the world! Oh, and I'll see you at Christmas, 1st service.



Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Illegal To Breathe Part 2

After further contemplation of the landmark Supreme Court decision to declare carbon dioxide, CO2, a pollutant, I recognize that I did not delve deep enough into the implications. It is not just an attempt to regulate how we breathe; it is a way of changing our complete life style decisions. If you think about the wide array of things that can be regulated by controlling CO2 emissions, it goes well beyond the contraction of your diaphragm. It sinks lower into the digestive system as well.

As an omnivore, I enjoy a nice medium rare veal porterhouse steak with all of the trimmings. That would include the baked potato with butter and sour cream. I would accept any variety of vegetable from corn to peas to green beans to broccoli. Throw in a great dark beer or a nice Merlot and you have the makings of a solid meal. If you look at the list, it contains several things that the Supreme Court can legislate away from the bench. First you have the steak. Cows have the double whammy because they both inhale and fart. Both are big contributors to the global warming Chicken Little mantra. But only CO2 has been deemed by the US Supreme Court to be a pollutant. Methane is still just a flammable gas. So eliminate the cow and you have contributed to the elimination of global warming. Sound thinking. So that takes the butter and sour cream with it since there are no cows. Now you eliminate the beer because it has carbonation in it which is released into the atmosphere. What is left? A baked potato, a choice of vegetables and a glass of wine. Sounds a little like a vegetarian meal.

Now we have a myth (global warming) that is changing the way we eat. The goofs of glacial melting have combined with the animals are people too group to find new ways to distort God’s gift of dominion over all living things. We are the stewards of this Earth and were told to take care of things. Global warming is a fabrication based on the desire to maintain government grants (it is about the money baby) and animals are a renewable resource that when prepared correctly are also tasty meals. This is just another way for the liberal, I know what is best for you crowd, to worm their way into and modify our behavior. Will it affect global warming? That is the sun’s job. It is the way for a few squeaky wheels to be heard and do what they could not do any other way; have their views legislated from the bench.



Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Illegal To Breathe

In a landmark decision that has far reaching implications for every American, the Supreme Court handed down a decision that made carbon dioxide, CO2, a pollutant. The decision was made along ideological lines with the liberal judges voting in favor of recognizing global warming and the conservative judges dissenting against the myth. We now have the highest court in the land deciding to follow the unproven, emotionally filled statements regarding changes in the Earth’s temperature. When did our court system become experts in science?

Oh, yea, that’s right. They handed down a decision a few years ago that determined that killing an unborn child was not murder. I completely forgot that our nation’s top court had already created the precedent that they were scientifically savvy by their scientifically sound dismissal that conception does not determine life. Only being born makes you a person. I am so glad they have moved past biology into ecology. What is next astrology? They are already dealing with mythology when dealing with global warming.

So be very concerned that equipped with this new found understanding that carbon dioxide is a pollutant, there will be severe side affects. Since the Supreme Court has decreed that it is a pollutant, they will be able to legislate from the bench like forced bussing, abortion on demand, imminent domain for commercial enterprises. Since you are a biological factory that consumes oxygen and exhales carbon dioxide as a waste product, you are part of the problem. I can see a few possible options for the enforced reduction of our carbon dioxide emissions.

1. They can limit the number of breaths we can take daily. Maybe we can get and exchange credits if we plant a garden or are a farmer.

2. We can be taxed on the amount of carbon dioxide we emit based on annual medical emissions testing. This gives the rich the advantage.

3. If the situation becomes too far advanced, they can euthanize the elderly and limit families to one child.

So as we get further down the path of a perfect socialist world, where everyone is equal and lives in harmony with all living things, the Supreme Court just taken away our last true freedom; the right to breathe.



Monday, April 02, 2007

Bonzo Goes To Britain

Our sincere friendly Islamic jihadists from the country formerly known as Persia, (Iran for those who are geographically challenged) have once again delved into the tried and true practice of hostage taking. 15 British military personnel have been taken captive by the Iranian Navy in Iraqi territory. The Iranian stance is that they were in their countries territory but since their maps are all dated prior to the late Shah of Iran’s departure, it is no wonder they don’t know where they are. Someone get these folks a membership to AAA or show them how to find Mapquest on the internet. Oh, yea, they would have to have the internet.

I believe that Americans had a similar issue during the administration of President Jimmy Carter. Yes, the gentleman peanut farmer from Georgia was blindsided by the return of the Ayatollah Komeni and the formation of his fundamentalist Islamic theocracy. It did not involve raising taxes to cover the double digit stagflation rate so Carter was not thinking about foreign policy. Once the Ayatollah was firmly entrenched, he grew a pair and attacked the US Embassy, taking hostages and basically dictating to the US how to conduct foreign policy. Yea, like that’s gonna happen. Of course, Carter did what every peace loving roll over and take it liberal does; nothing. There were intense negotiations followed by saber rattling from Iran. This was followed by intense negotiations and American flag burning in Iran. Then we had another round of intense negotiations followed by more burning and rattling. All the time, America looked like a bumbling idiot who cannot manage their affairs. Well, at that time we were. That changed when someone who understands how to stand up to a bully took office.

When Ronald Reagan was elected President, the picture changed. He was a man of action who understood that you cannot negotiate with the dog to convince the fleas to leave. The dog puts on the show of scratching and shaking which does nothing to solve the problem. You have to take some action to assist the dog in getting rid of the pests. Nothing short of eradication of the fleas will stop the dog from scratching. This is where the flea analogy breaks down because they live up to their place in nature and once through the flea dip, they die. The Iranian government does not grasp how to accomplish their goals. They have run out of fabrications about their peaceful intentions and once again resorted to abducting other nation’s citizens in an attempt to get their way. Holding their breath just didn’t work. It’s too late to ask Uncle Ronny for his assistance. Maybe someone in Britain will step up to the plate and help the terrorist government of Persia to become more like a flea.

