Cobbs Bin

Saturday, June 27, 2009

The America I Knew, Time For Change

When the South seceded from the Union, it was because they feared that the Northern states were going to change their way of life. They saw the election of Abraham Lincoln as the agent of change that would free their slaves and change their business and economic realities forever. They were so concerned that they chose to go to war to save their institution and preserve their way of life. In the end, they did not have the resources to stop the industrial might of the north but the risk outweighed the outcome.

We as Americans are at that crossroad once again. The majority of America has spoken and elected a man who either through his own shortsightedness or that of the morally bankrupt leadership of Congress is imposing changes that will change the America we know forever. It is no longer a matter of broken election promises and the hope of change, it is the destruction of those institutions that made America great among the world. The loss of our personal freedoms, the dismantling of America’s business structure and the imposition of the church of global climate change are leading our nation down the path I chose not to follow.

So what can we do? I have said this before, leave the mess caused by the liberals to the liberals and form a new Union with a foundation of citizen’s rights, business friendly and founded on personal responsibility. That was the vision of our founding fathers. Unfortunately, we have legislated from both the halls of Congress and from the benches of our courts to water down the Constitution to little more than a creative essay. It is now something that can be used to twist any new idea into a reality instead of a document that should be changed as the need arises. So, I say, we need to send the message that things have gone too far.

We the People of the Free States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the Free States of America.



Sunday, June 21, 2009

What Assistance Means

A group of organizations from the Toledo area got together to offer assistance to the local population for issues dealing with the current economic slow down or as those who believe in calling them like we see them, the recession. The groups ranged from utility companies to children's services, to other forms of counseling for issues related to money matters. The exhibitors got together at a down town Toledo location and the event was heavily attended. So it was heralded as a major success? By the tone of those who were interviewed exiting the event, it was nothing more than a bait and switch exhibit where instead of getting their bills paid, they were given fliers and pamphlets. All that waiting in line and not a single dollar was disbursed to pay their bills.

The attendees seemed to think that assistance is synonymous with having someone come in and make their payments for them. I wonder where they got that idea? Could it be from our current governing administration? During his campaign, Obama promised everything but a chicken in every pot. We all heard that he was going to put gas in our cars and make our house payments. So much for raising expectations. Now that times are tough, there is that segment of the population that seems to think that they are owed something just because they exist. When you enter into a contract to accept a service such as electricity or natural gas, the expectation is that you will pay for it. If you cannot, it is turned off.

When you go to the store to buy something, if you walk out without paying is it called theft. If you do not pay for electricity or gas, it is still theft. You say, but I need those to live. Take a closer look and come to reality. You need air to breathe. That is free so far. However, with carbon dioxide being declared a greenhouse gas, get ready for a change in that area. You need to be able to eat. I know that several organizations in the Toledo area provide food or food assistance daily. There is the someplace to sleep and if you are receiving utility company services, you are covered in that department. Everything else is pretty much an extra. Cell phones, television, gasoline, tattoos, piercings, cigarettes, beer, dining out, movies... are all extras. When you have reached the point where you have cut that far and not accepted that you must seek assistance, shame on you. Help is out there and it does not come from the government which means those paying taxes. Others are also struggling and giving up the extras to make ends meet. Assistance is providing for those in need so they can get the help they need. It is not handing things over and becoming an enabler. Although very cliched lately, the line, "Give a man a fish and he has a meal, teach a man to fish and he eats for life." reflects how you will respond to any crisis.



Thursday, June 18, 2009

Better Dead Than Red

"Better dead than red." I remember that phrase growing up. There was never any doubt what it meant. The reds were the Soviet Union and communism. It was a much simpler time when we had a common enemy. America united against the expansion of totalitarianism, government run economies, and the shadow of the mushroom cloud seem like a walk through a children's playground compared with what we are being forced to swallow. We have elected a government that sole purpose is to descend into the same Soviet system we fought so hard to eliminate.

It started with the simple takeover of the banking system. Control the money and you can make people dance to what ever tune you want. Set the game like the mafia so you can never get out from underneath the thumb. You can repay the loan but never cut the strings. Next you pump billions into General Motors and set the same mafia rules into place. It is a matter of waiting until the cash is squandered and they take over the dominant car company. Once the inevitable bankruptcy is declared, you own the company. Now you can dictate what cars are built and force American built cars into whatever avenue you wish. It is no longer customer demand that will drive what is built. It will be some eco-fringe group that whispers into Obama's ear for the new era of vehicular transportation. And no matter how bad it fails, the tax payers will be on the hook to keep the corpse alive.

Now we have the government trying to take over our health care system. That will allow them to determine who lives and dies. The power of life and death which the Soviet Union held near and dear to its heart. Can anyone say Siberia? Who needs the KGB when you can use any one's medical files against them? Once they are able to control what kind of care anyone can get, those who cannot provide any economic benefit might as well immigrate to passing icebergs. Need surgery? Better take an Internet course.

The flip side is a huge black market for medical services for those who can afford to pay. Americans can be resourceful when need be. While those who refuse to be responsible wait in line for band aids and aspirin, those who do will be finding new ways to stay healthy. Of course, the government will find some way to make it illegal. So much for freedom and the Constitution.



Sunday, June 07, 2009

Kurt Cobain, Prophet of the Supreme Messianic Obama

In a phenomenal act of disgrace, our current president, has paraded through out the lands both near and far, apologizing for the actions of Americans. It is American’s fault that the world is filled with terrorists, pollution, mass extinction of rare and exotic species, hurricanes, global warming, global cooling, democracy, and a host of other yet to be named actions. I for one am sick of hearing how I am at fault for the perceived (that means John Lennon’s rose colored glasses) inequities we, as Americans, through the bounty of hard work and technological superiority, have attained. I cannot help that he feels guilty for living the good life. His limousine and Air Force One demonstrate his care and attention to those who are less fortunate.

We over threw the yoke of tyranny and became the United States of America. The land that was here, was occupied by native American Indians who failed to hear the freight train coming at them. Tecumseh came the closest when he tried to unite the tribes occupying the Midwest and expel the pale faces. Too much, too little, too late. It is not my fault that the rest of the third world cannot find similar means to attain that end. We even gave Iraq the assistance to make the transition and look what that got us.

So now the leader of our country is traipsing around the world trying to make friends by showing weakness and vulnerability instead of using our strengths as a way of winning. We dominate the world and Obama is displaying us like babies on a changing table, poopy diaper and all. What a disgrace.

As the suicidal lead singer of Nirvana sang, What else should I be? All apologies. How prophetic.

What else should I be?
All apologies.
What else could I say?
Everyone is gay.
What else could I write?
I don't have the right.
What else should I be?
All Apologies.
In the sun
In the sun I feel as one
In the sun
In the sun
Married! Buried!
I wish I was like you
Easily amused
Find my nest of salt
Everything is my fault
I'll take all the blame
I'll proceed from shame
Sunburn with freezer burn
Choking on the ashes of her enemy
In the sun
In the sun I feel as one
In the sun
In the sun
Married, Married, Married!
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah,
All alone is all we all are



Wednesday, June 03, 2009

The Adventures of Obama Man and Biden Boy

When we last left the messiah, he was speaking to the graduates of Notre Dame University. He was imparting the sublime message that killing babies was a choice and that you had to at least have a dialog about your responsibility to consider killing pre-born children so you would not have to take responsibility for them. Yes, you who have a fundamental difference with killing innocent babies, need to reconsider your view. I am sure that more than a few of those graduates regretted their choice of schools that day.

The messiah, fresh from his trail of wasteful spending has been looking for new and exciting ways to milk the citizens of this fair nation of more of their hard earned dollars by looking at taxing the health care benefits provided by employers. He had promised that these would be off limits during his campaign as the mild mannered senator from Illinois. But as Premier, I mean president of the disjointed states, he has once again flipped his view and now considers his fellow comrades, I mean citizens to be ripe for more taxes.

In the mean time, Biden boy has come up with a way to handle a national tragedy; what to do with all of those pesky deaf people. He has read about a Mayor from Toledo who suggested that they move the deaf people near the airport so those jets taking off and landing would not bother them. Biden wants to move the deaf of America nearer to perpetual construction zones and train stations. That way you can get top dollar for the real estate and ignore any complaints from those who live there. After all, they are deaf and can’t hear what you truly want to tell them.

Tune in next time for another adventure of Obama Man and Biden Boy

