Cobbs Bin

Monday, November 09, 2009

Finally Convinced Part 2

What is the real reason we have elected officials embracing the philosophy of Karl Marx? The idea of redistribution of wealth seems to appeal to a certain segment of the population. For those who have nothing, but continue to toil to make ends meet, I have great admiration. They understand that we are all responsible for our place in the world and realize that it is not money that makes you happy. Only you can do that. It is the people that have nothing and want something for nothing that I find objectionable. They seem to think that because you have money, you are happy. Sure you can do things that people without money cannot but are you happy?

The Beatles put it best when they said, “Can’t Buy Me Love.” They understood that money is not the key to happiness. Why do our politicians perpetuate the premise that taking money from rich people and giving it to poor people will make everyone happy? Is it that they think that everyone will be happier? Somehow I have my doubts. It revolves around the desire to be in power. Keeping people chasing the “something for nothing” dream allows them to strive for mediocrity and creates a class of people that willingly accept the idea that we are all victims.

So how do we create a class of people that accept responsibility for their actions and strive to make things better for themselves? Our founding fathers have provided an inspired blue print for making that happen; The Constitution. They tried to figure every angle to prevent the distorting of that document but time has provided the holes necessary for the “Progressive” minds to provide confusing, unrealistic meanings to the true intent. What is needed is a return to the basics. Take us back to how the Constitution was written before Congress tried asserting its power and the Supreme Court interjected their convoluted interpretations. Congress should be required to find the legality for every law before it can be introduced into the process. The Supreme Court should only have the authority to strike down a law that does not conform to the Constitutional framework. They should never have the ability to make laws from the bench. That falls into the lap of Congress. The Presidential powers need to be reigned in to what is specifically allowed and not have the ability to create Czars for every little task. That sounds way too Soviet for my taste.

How does this change us into a nation of responsible people? If you quit treating each group that claims to be a victim and compensating them, you remove the motivation to have groups of victims. The lazy see dollar signs and chase the pot of gold. Remove that motivation and limit the scope of what our government does for its citizens and they will find a way to get those tasks done. Create a motivation for them to take risks and reap the rewards and they will leap at the task. Continue down the path of punishing people for success and you will create more victims.



Friday, November 06, 2009

Finally Convinced

I have always been amazed that people in government office portray themselves as champions of the poor and down trodden by promising to equal the system. They say it is okay to take from those who have and give it to those who don’t for no other reason than it is the right thing to do. We should be all right about giving away what we have worked for as long as it goes to someone who has less than we do. I am dumb founded to find that there are regular working Joes who think the same way. Talk about a humbling experience.

I talked to someone who was for the health care legislation currently being forced though Congress. I asked if they thought that the legislation should cover illegal immigrants. His response was definitely. When I asked why, he said that we bring them into this country and pay them sub standard wages to pick our food. We should at least have the courtesy to cover their health care costs. And yes, he actually believes it. My head was spinning it utter disbelief.

Does this mean that our elected officials actually believe that they should tax the rich out of existence and level the playing field? We saw what happened in the Soviet Union when they tried that process and I have a difficult time believing that anyone with a modicum of intelligence would not connect the dots. When you try to put together a utopia, you end up with those at the top enjoying the power a little too much and those at the bottom contributing more and more of what they do until they have nothing left. That being said, what is their real motive for leveling the playing field of life? That is a topic for the next post.

