Cobbs Bin

Friday, August 14, 2009

Who Do Ya Trust?

I vividly remember the scene from the Michael Keaton / Jack Nicholson Batman movie with The Joker on a float throwing money to a cheering crowd. The is very enthusiastic and the crowd in falling all over themselves to get their chunk of the loot. The song in the back ground was Prince’s Trust. How appropriate that The Joker was planning to fill the air with poison gas. It comes down to who you trust?

Our government is embarking on a path to take control of our health care. The law, as it’s currently written, will allow anyone that is presently enrolled with an insurance company to keep their policy. If you switch jobs or lose your insurance for any reason, you must enroll in the government plan. Your spouse and children are covered by you plan until age 21 and then they are enrolled in the government plan. Within one generation, the government will have destroyed the health care insurance industry. The loss of jobs and commerce is enough to make me dislike this bill but that is the easy pill to swallow.

The loss of personal freedom that will result from the passage of this legislation will be a death blow to the freedom and liberty our founding fathers so eloquently provided in the US Constitution. We will no longer be free of the tyranny they fought so hard to escape from. With the passage of the current health care bill, our government will have access to our health records, our financial records and will be able to control and manipulate every aspect of our lives. They will decide what is best for us. They can decide what we eat, where we go, what we do, who we see and even decide whether we live or die.

Who would have thought that only 21 years after the fall of the Soviet Union that America would fall to a tyrannical government? The land of the free and the home of the brave no longer a place you want to raise children. Those of us who trusted our government to follow the rules that were set in place have fallen asleep at the wheel and allowed rot and decay to creep in and cover the one bright light in the world. Shame on us.

Not Cool



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