Cobbs Bin

Saturday, March 29, 2008

I'm Sick of Being Sick

I recently had the pleasure of being down and out with a cold like flu. For those who have spent three weeks recovering from the Grunge or the Crud or whatever name it is called, you have my sympathy. I spent a week in a motel room in Pennsylvania for work feeling like I was on chemo. I got home and continued to hack up a daily lung's worth of mucus. I am still reliving a trail of daily lung missles that cause my chest to hurt. For someone who has not suffered from the yearly cold and flu season for a few years, this has been a very unpleasant month.

At least this time I did not let is go so long that I caught strep throat and started hallucinating in my sleep. That is what happens when you try to push the envelope only to find out that the wick no longer has any wax and you are on fire. Ouch! Thank the Lord for antibiotics.

With the weather finally acting like Spring is coming, I can feel that spark of hope that things will get better. I can stop the twice daily doses of Night/Day Quill that provide some kind of relief. I can look forward to the start of my son's baseball practice. I have volunteered to be an assistant coach for his team. I am excited about coaching although I have no clue about how to go about it. I guess that is why I am the assistant. I have a veteran who has coached my son several times that is calling the shots. Hopefully the role of Vanna White suits me.



Monday, March 17, 2008

How Scandal Creates Republicans

I have spent the last week afflicted with a virus. I cannot say it was the flu because I did not suffer the extreme intestinal distress (i.e. coming out both ends) normally associated with influenza. Since I have been coughing, I will lean towards a rhino-virus although I do not remember a common cold being this harsh. I ached and the only remedy worth pursuing was massive amounts of sleep. Any way you look at it, it was a week I do not want to get back.

What made it even more enjoyable was that I was out of town on business and spent every non-working moment trapped in a motel room, coughing, sneezing and trying to stay warm. This left only one entertainment option; the idiot box. I have had my fill of TV for another 10 years so it might have been a good thing. The news was continually spashed with a scandal concerning the governor of New York. I know that he got busted for being involved with a high level prostitution ring. I know that he and his wife come from very upper crust back grounds and have Ivy League schooling. What I could not seem to get a handle on was his party affiliation. I knew he could not be a Republican because they never said the Republican Governor of New York. I assumed that he was a Democrat because he was from New York but you know what they say about assume.

I finally watched his name scroll across the screen and the big D appeared after his name so I got a read on his party. Never once did I hear it uttered that he was a Democrat. It seems that the only time the media wants to announce a politician's party is when the scandal involves a Republican. I know that there is not any media bias because they tell me they are not biased but I cannot help wonder if their agenda doesn't lean towards the liberal side of the tracks. With such a big time sex scandal rolling down the rails, I cannot help wonder how the chief horn dog, Captain Bill hid his name. Maybe Hillary has a more discrete paid service to keep her man in line.



Tuesday, March 04, 2008

10 Commandments On Acid

This one I could not pass up. In an attempt to again rewrite history, (like the liberals have not done that enough in the last 50 years), an Israeli researcher has concluded that Moses was on psychedelic drugs when he heard God deliver the 10 Commandments. Talk about taking aim at the center of the entire Judeo-Christian-Islamic faith structures. The researcher goes on to claim that Moses was also experimenting with the mind altering substances when he saw the burning bush. Wow, Moses took on the entire Egyptian hierarchy after smoking a little too much tree bark.

According to the article, the basis for the claims from the researcher is that he experienced hallucinations of a religious nature while taking psychotropic drugs during a religious ceremony in the Amazon jungle. He also noted that there are hallucinogenic properties from the bark of the acacia tree which is frequently mentioned in the Bible. If that is not a solid conclusion based on a straight line of reasoning…

This casts Moses in a completely different light. The long flowing robes, the nappy, dirty hair and the ragged beard all make sense now. Moses was actually a flower child and probably will be credited with starting the hippy movement in the mid-60’s. Manna from heaven takes on a completely different light when you think of the Beatles “Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds.” I for one am convinced that Moses was probably a cast out from Egypt due to a drug conviction and the way he got back at Pharaoh was to organize a rebellion and lead the Israelites to freedom. Of course, the tribes of Israel whined the entire way but liberals have been doing that since the 60’s also. I just wonder what color the pill was to get the Red Sea to roll back like that.



Monday, March 03, 2008

Apathy To The Nth Degree

No matter how much the candidates try to whip up this primary, I find that I have little or no interest in participating. It is between three figures, all historic in their own right. On the liberal Republican side, we have a Vietnam War POW who has spent a sizable portion of his life in politics. If elected, he will be the oldest elected President. Historic, I would say.

The other two candidates are liberal liberals and the potential history making of electing each of them is obvious. One is a woman and a former 1st lady and the other is a black American. I cannot bring myself to say African American unless you want to call all white folk European Americans. Electing either of them would be historic from the perspective that the original Constitution would not have allowed Hillary to run for office and would have possibly only counted Barack as only 3/5 of a person. We have come a long way from the vision of our Founding Fathers and put provisions in our treasured governmental foundation to allow for these changes.

Having said all of that, I am unenthusiastic about the entire election process. We had an Obama supporter come to our house this weekend and ask for our support. My wife explained that we had not chosen who we would vote for yet and that we were Republicans. The Obama supporter asked if we had any questions concerning his candidate and my wife answered, “No. None of the three are worth voting for.“ The supporter asked why my wife thought that way and she said, “You don’t have enough time for me to explain all of the reasons.”

For those who view Conservatism as a way of life, this election is about which evil to choose. If enough new social programs get put in to grow government to stratospheric proportions, if taxes get raised enough to redistribute the wealth from those who have to those who won’t, if the medical system goes from world class to third world and the military gets put under to the United Nations control, it will do one of three things. The first option is that we will finally become the socialist country that the Soviet Union envisioned. The second option is that we will be pissed enough to vote the bastards out but the damage will be done. The third is that the camel’s back will finally break and we will hear the Declaration of Independence become the cry of the land.
