Cobbs Bin

Tuesday, March 04, 2008

10 Commandments On Acid

This one I could not pass up. In an attempt to again rewrite history, (like the liberals have not done that enough in the last 50 years), an Israeli researcher has concluded that Moses was on psychedelic drugs when he heard God deliver the 10 Commandments. Talk about taking aim at the center of the entire Judeo-Christian-Islamic faith structures. The researcher goes on to claim that Moses was also experimenting with the mind altering substances when he saw the burning bush. Wow, Moses took on the entire Egyptian hierarchy after smoking a little too much tree bark.

According to the article, the basis for the claims from the researcher is that he experienced hallucinations of a religious nature while taking psychotropic drugs during a religious ceremony in the Amazon jungle. He also noted that there are hallucinogenic properties from the bark of the acacia tree which is frequently mentioned in the Bible. If that is not a solid conclusion based on a straight line of reasoning…

This casts Moses in a completely different light. The long flowing robes, the nappy, dirty hair and the ragged beard all make sense now. Moses was actually a flower child and probably will be credited with starting the hippy movement in the mid-60’s. Manna from heaven takes on a completely different light when you think of the Beatles “Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds.” I for one am convinced that Moses was probably a cast out from Egypt due to a drug conviction and the way he got back at Pharaoh was to organize a rebellion and lead the Israelites to freedom. Of course, the tribes of Israel whined the entire way but liberals have been doing that since the 60’s also. I just wonder what color the pill was to get the Red Sea to roll back like that.




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