Gump On Illegal Immigration
The first thing that came to mind is the Gump phrase, “Stupid is as stupid does.” The article alludes to most of those seeking the highest office in the land not understanding why the country is in such an uproar about the flood of people breaking the law by illegally entering the country. Why should they be concerned about people breaking the law? Isn’t the executive branch responsible for enforcing the laws? There must be a disconnect between getting elected and actually performing the job.
The Democrats see it as a racist / class warfare issue. Those in American who are afraid of losing their jobs or not getting ahead in life want to keep these poor innocent people from coming to America. I now know why the symbol for the democrats is a jackass. This is their argument for everything. Instead of realizing that Americans are not mad about welcoming immigrants that go through the process in the lawful fashion, they go to their tried and true play of throwing the racist trump card. Fortunately they are playing the wrong suit. Americans understand that immigration is a way to keep America strong. To deny citizenship to those who have followed the law is to deny our own heritage.
With this election, I can throw out one more Gumpism. Life is like a box of chocolates…. With the field of politicians all lying to us to encourage a vote for them, you never know what you are going to get.