Amazed and Confused
Out company was just spun off from a major automotive supplier and with that comes the consolidations, reductions in force (RIF is the acronym and it does not stand for reading is fundamental) or rather layoffs, and all of the new and exciting requirements are part of being on your own. The facility I am at is looking to be the benefactor of great labor relations, good location and a solid management team. We are slated to begin a flood of transfer business that hopefully will not overwhelm our team. Since I have been through this before, I know what needs to be done to make it successful and am attempting to head off any potential disasters.
When something like this becomes your focus, it is difficult to research and develop ideas every day. I look back over the last month and realize that I have been missing in action most of the time. Then again it is good to be so busy that you don’t have time to fret away on topics that are not really life shattering. Not that I want to be remembered for how well I did at work. As the saying goes, no one goes to their death bed regretting the amount of time they spent away from work. Well maybe a few.