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Thursday, May 07, 2009

RNN Presents: Let's Change The News (Right News Network)

I have taken a news article from today and changed it to read the way it should. With the DBM showing complete disrespect for our previous President, it only makes sense to turn about their fair play. Click on the heading to read the actual article.

WASHINGTON – Mr Obama sent a heavily liberal Congress a budget in which he gloated about of cutting or killing some federal programs. Mr Obama likened it to how he thinks that of most Americans feel in difficult times. Never having been part of the tax paying work force, it is hard to imagine he has an inkling of how Americans actually feel. The trims amounted to only a tiny fraction of the pork filled new spending he has already implemented and he wants to spend more tax dollars and borrow the rest. Congress waited in anticipation to receive any new spending to provide their constituents with new ways to further milk actual tax payers.

Obama said his cuts would amount to a paltry $17 billion (that's with a b)— in a budget totaling well over $3 trillion (that's with a t) for the fiscal year. He's estimating the government's already swollen red ink will still be about $1.2 trillion, down only slightly from this year's all-time record.

Republicans pointed out that Obama's cuts were not nearly enough. "They appear to be a diversionary tactic — an effort to change the subject away from the unprecedented debt this budget heaps on future generations," said House Republican Leader John Boehner of Ohio.




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