Cobbs Bin

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Long Time Running

I cannot believe that the month of July has blown by and I have only posted once. With everything that is going on in the world, there is so much to comment on but that in itself seems to be the problem. I am so tired of hearing myself complain that it is easier to just leave it drop and focus on not focusing.

We have the Soylent Green Health Plan being formulated in our nations capital. We have the return to horse and buggy tax plan lingering just behind the death care plan. Our government wants to see how much of the nations economy they can destroy as a punishment for the successes of the past. Shame on America for wanting to be the beacon of freedom in a sea of tyranny.

Fortunately, I am talking to more and more people that are regretting voting for the hope and change candidate. They realize that it was a mistake and know that a leopard can hide its spots if it is following a buffoon. We have strayed so far from the vision of our Founding Fathers that it will be a miracle to escape the descent into European Socialism and the death of our nation by rot and decay. I pray that God's plan does not include the extinguishing of this last bastion of guardian of our inalienable rights.




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