Cobbs Bin

Friday, May 09, 2008

Last Train To Mandalay

When even the United Nations has reservations about continuing to assist Myanmar (formally Siam for those Yul Brynner fans), it becomes an issue. The corrupt, ultra anti-American governmental organization (The United Nations for those who are not following the exploits of money for oil and Kofi Annan) that spends more time bashing its biggest patron (that would be the US government) than assisting those in need has pulled the white flag on the military government of this devastated nation. But what is a poor, totalitarian regime to do if it wants to stay in power. We must keep concepts of world government out of the minds of our citizens. If only Congress would pass similar laws.

The Myanmar government has confiscated the shipments of food that are being flown in to help those people that were affected by the cyclone. It has no issues with the donations but it does not want the outside influence of those UN workers corrupting their citizens with ideas that they would be better off under the domination of a world government. After all, a world government would want to make everyone equal throughout the world at the expense of those who have already succeeded. Sounds a little too much like communism to me. The United States succeeded and became a world power due to the hard work and dedication of it's citizens. It is nothing short of jealousy that appears to be driving their desire to create a society of equals. It would be like inviting the Vandals into Washington for tea and scones.

I am a supporter of humanitarian aid. As the most prosperous nation in the world, the United States has an obligation to help those in need. It is an obligation that we live up to. We are the largest contributor to the U.N. food programs. Americans are known for their generosity toward those in need whether it be due to a hurricane and New Orleans or a tsunami and the Indian Ocean community of countries. What we do not need it a group of super power wanna bees telling us how we should be supporting the rest of the world. I don't remember any mention of them in our Constitution. I did not see them doing anything more than avoiding paying their parking tickets in New York. You've heard the phrase, "Diplomatic Immunity." If only we could get the same reaction for the hoard crossing our southern border.




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