Cobbs Bin

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

The Prefect

Envision a universe where mankind has managed to survive our own worst enemy; ourselves. Against the opinion of all of the tree hugging doomsayers currently inhabiting our time and space, we have reached the stars and are doing well. Further envision an uninhabited world with 10000 inhabited biospheres, no two alike but all participating in total democracy. Everyone is plugged into a computer network and all can vote on all of the issues that come before their civilization. What keeps them honest is the fear of a nearly toothless police force that if limited to carrying only defensive weapons.

Nanotech, genetic engineering, computer downloaded humans, genetically altered humans and a plot to disrupt the democracy and declare dictatorship create the back drop to a great novel by Alastair Reynolds. The police force is run by a woman who was abducted by an artificial intelligence and implanted with a device on her neck that will explode if she sleeps or comes within 10 feet of anything larger than a bowling ball.

The story starts with the destruction of one of the habitats that kills 900 people. The police are sent into investigate and find that a stellar craft has used its star drive to rip open the biosphere. Thus starts the march to a series of crimes being carried out by a child that was downloaded as a computer program. She has disappeared into the system and has only one goal, self preservation. Reynolds uses an advanced technology and a rich plot to develop the story and the outcome is always in question. It was a great read.

He however takes the ambiguous way out at the end. Hopefully it leaves the door open for a sequel that will provide a solid conclusion instead wanting more. In the mean time, science fiction is alive and well.




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