Cobbs Bin

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Can You Make A Silk Purse? Part 1

Friday, our nation capped a long series of failures by imposing the federal government onto American citizens to the tune of three quarters of a trillion dollars. It was a spending bill that will contribute little to its intended purpose which was to revive the current recession but will impose more government rules and regulations on our free citizens. It was Obama's first strike to turn us into the beast Ronald Reagan fought so hard to destroy, the Union of American Socialist Republics (UASR).

A stimulus bill would have been been aimed at creating opportunities for jobs, new technologies, lowering taxes and fostering a long term vision for a free and stable America. What we received was a cloak and dagger, closed door spending bill that is a platform for launching Soviet style control on an Obama adoring citizenship. Can anyone say Seig Heil? This was how Hitler took control of Germany and led that nation to rubble several years later.

When government controls every aspect of your life, you are no longer free. You are now a prisoner being forced to pay for your own incarceration. We will be forced to pay dearly to be locked into Obama's vision of the future. Higher taxes for us and our children will be the Messiah's legacy. This is so far from our Founding Father's limited federal government role. But as power collected in one spot, it tends to stay in the hands of the few. Absolute power corrupts...




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