Cobbs Bin

Friday, February 15, 2008

Environmental Capitalist

I have come to realize that I am an environmentalist. What is sad is the connotation of the word environmentalist dredges up pictures of eco-terrorists chaining themselves to trees or Al Gore, the High Priest of Carbon Feet, sacrificing our freedoms for a pseudo-science. When I think of ecology, it is forever linked to whacked out liberal causes that only seem to benefit those who already have instead of those who have not. But, I am proclaiming my self a follower of what is best for our environment.

I am also interested in progress and making things better in the future. I have always had a soft spot for science fiction and the promises of a better tomorrow through science. The science fiction authors of the 1930’s, 40’s and 50’s were all bent on man reaching for the stars and creating better lives for us Earthers. They developed faster than light ships, lasers, robots, and all kinds of neat technologies. Many thought to be impossible that are now common place; i.e. cell phones, computers, and satellite television. It was not until the 1960's that science fiction turned from a bright future to a doom and gloom outlook of our path forward. Although there predictions of total global and human annihilation are fading into the back ground, the movement spawned by those prophesies has endured and turned into a back to the Stone Age religion.

Part of making things better is looking for clean, non-polluting energy sources. Even the hard core capitalists realize that fossil fuels are a losing bet. They will eventually dry up and we will be forced to find another source for our I-Pods, DVR’s and Flat Screens. There are a bevy of methods for achieving this freedom from fossil fuel. Yahoo had an article today about tapping into the Gulf Stream and using underwater turbines to generate electricity. You can reference the article by clicking on the title. The eco-terrorists had to get their dig in by saying that the turbines would acts as a blender for sea life. It is great to comment on a process without ever seeing the design. The article says that they could eventually provide the electricity of 10 nuclear reactors. It would be totally non-polluting and hidden beneath the waves. What more could you ask for.




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