Cobbs Bin

Friday, February 08, 2008

Without A Choice

Our national primary has managed to create at least one disenfranchised voter. I am sure there are many more of the gravely disappointed citizens out there but I am certain of at least one. As a conservative, the field presented few viable options. From my angle, Ron Paul with his strict Constitutional belief, would be the ideal candidate but he is getting the same treatment as Dennis Kucinich. With Romney out of the race, we are left with three liberals running for the highest office in the country. Be afraid, very afraid.

If the democrats hold both houses of Congress, we could be in for some very "progressive" legislation over the new few years. It will do no good to grab you wallet because the IRS already had you pocket book attached to their bank account. They will make sure that your employer conforms to their will by removing the money from your check before you recieve it. Instead of actually helping the people they have pledged to assist, they will create the opportunity for many more to join their ranks.

I foresee the following legislation, barring a miracle:

1. Health care for everybody at the taxpayers expense. Say goodbye to your doctor and welcome to socialized medicine.

2. Citizenship for 12 million illegal aliens. Not in itself a crime other than the illegality of them being here in the first place.

3. Raising taxes on gasoline, wages, and property to pay for the increases in social programs that will be enacted.

4. Global warming laws that will stifle any growth of our economy by restricting carbon based energy usage instead promoting renewable.

I hope I'm wrong.

Not Cool



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