Cobbs Bin

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

When Galaxies Attack

A recent news article describes a galaxy that is blasting radiation at another galaxy 24,000 light years away. The radiation is being generated by a black hole and will cause devastating affects on any body in its path. It sounds like a plot from a yet to be written science fiction series or a take off on the Death Star from Star Wars. In this instance, it is a black hole that is causing the destructive rays, not a man made object.

The scientists that discovered this astronomical wonder say that if the blast of radiation was to hit Earth, it would cause devastation and death to the planet in just days. Thankfully, nature once again shows that it can be more devastating than anything man can create. We create the nuclear bombs and the sun trumps us with nuclear fusion on a grandiose scale. It makes me wonder why some people seem to have such a high opinion of man’s capability to alter the Earth on the scale the global climate change wackos imagine. What is worse, they are turning the youth of America into a bunch of mindless environmentalist zombies, which makes Dawn of The Dead look like an episode of the Brady Bunch.

Nature will always surprise with the wonders it can throw at us. Every day, man is discovering unknown species. Every day, the predicted weather is not what we get. It is a standard joke that, wait 10 minutes, the weather will change. Yet we think we can with precision, predict how the Earth will change because we use fossil fuels to power our world. That is arrogance in the extreme. We need to get it through our pea brains that the only thing that is constant is change. We may not like things changing but I know I used to be 36 inches tall and now am 6 foot. I used to have hair and now am sporting much more scalp. I didn’t use to have to shave every day. I am sure that any planet that is in the way of the death beam hits will also have a world altering experience. I guess we just have to stay out of the way of black holes.




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