Cobbs Bin

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Finally, A Law To Enforce

A Yahoo headline says “Lack of Illegal Immigrant Childcare A Concern.” This certainly intrigued me as I could not fathom why illegals would need child care. Well, the article goes into the detail that the children are US citizens because they were born in American hospitals but the parents are in the country illegally. It made sense. The illegals are not applying for Medicare because they are afraid they will be deported. I feel sorry for the children but the parents have plotted to gain access to America, illegally, and now they need to go home or find a way to get citizen status themselves. It is not a matter of compassion. It is a matter of legality.

One way to skirt the issue would be to pass a law saying that hospitals can declare themselves international territory. It would be like hospitals have similar rules like the United Nations. That way when illegals have babies in our country in an attempt to get them US citizenship, it would be in international territory and not the US. This would solve the problem of applying for government aid. They wouldn’t need to as they would not be eligible. Call your congressman (or woman) now and get the ball rolling.

Of course that is not the answer. We need to stop the influx of illegals and send those that are here home. That is what you should be calling on your congressman (or woman) to get done. If you can come into the country legally, great, welcome to America. If not get out, go home, and work on coming here the right way. The need for illegals worrying about child care would be a non-issue if we could get the laws we have in place enforced. Unfortunately, we have a government that is trying to curry favor with a voting block that does not exist. Get a grip. To quote my favorite line in the original Tim Burton Batman movie, “This town needs an enema.” That about covers how most Americans feel about our elected Federal politicians. Their inability to follow what the majority really wants is a serious bowel obstruction. Flush twice, it’s a long way to the border.




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