Cobbs Bin

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Tuesday After The First Monday

I am sure that I am not the only person in this country that has started switching the channel on the radio when the commercials start. I don’t mind listening to a few of them but lately it has been one person bashing another person in order to be elected to be a legal thief (politician for those who enjoy paying taxes.) What your opponent has or hasn’t done can be warped into just about anything depending on how you slant it. There is an ad for a local judge where the incumbent says that his opponent does not have one iota of judicial bench time. Well, at one time, he did not have any time in the robe either. Does that make him a bad judge?

What I would like to see for each candidate to present what they have accomplished or what they stand for. The negative ads should be against the election code of conduct and if you use them, it negates your right to be elected. Through out the election cycle, you could have numerous candidates. Until you get someone that is willing to tell you what they will do and not that their opponents are evil and corrupt, it could be a kaleidoscope of seekers.

I look forward to the slow down in revenue for media advertising that starts on the Wednesday after the first Monday in November. This is the day when we no longer are forced to change the radio station after every song. It is the day that everything changes but stays the same. I have told my children the tried and true adage about politicians. It is you know that they are lying when their lips are moving. It does not matter what they say, because anyone can push warmed, deoxygenated air from their lungs while manipulating their lips and tongue. All that matters is the actions they perform while occupying the office to which they are elected. I do not see a lot of actions aping the stream of air flowing from their lips. I guess that is why we clump politicians and lawyers together; can’t trust either of them.




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