Cobbs Bin

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

How To Clean A Pigeon Coop

My high school career contains large blank spots in my mind for four years. There are bit and pieces floating around but mostly it is a blur that I am either still trying to forget or remember. One of the things that I have retained was my 11th and 12th grade English teacher. Those were the years when you learned how to write and I was fortunate enough to break in a brand new teacher for those two years. We had to write varying styles of papers like narrative or how to papers. The papers had to be a certain length and putting filler or BS as it was called was not acceptable.

A good friend of mine wrote his how to paper on “How To Make A Short Story Long.” He took the very subject that the teacher hated and used it to demonstrate how you could create a full length paper out increasing the number of adjectives or naming multiple things in a sequence. I thought it was rather creative. The teacher was not so amused but he passed. I on the other hand did not have the clever streak. I played it safe and wrote probably the only paper he ever received on the chore of scraping pigeon crap off the floor.

Not a very glamorous topic. Most people think of pigeons as little more than flying rats. I used to raise them and was part of a pigeon racing club. We did not put saddles on their backs and tape mice to the saddles. It was a flight timed distance race from predetermined points. Since the pigeons are cooped up at night, they have a tremendous amount of droppings. About once every two weeks, you would have to scrape the floor and dump the waste. Fortunately my father raised dogs and we had an area behind the dog pen that was used for their dog logs. I do not remember what I got on the paper but I do remember giving a step by step instruction on how to clean a pigeon coop. The excitement never ends.




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