He Hate Me
If you remember back to the XFL, the only player that received any press was the one whose jersey read He Hate Me. I don’t remember anything about him primarily because I never watched an XFL game and I don’t watch sports. A Google search gives his real name as Rod Smart and he played for the Las Vegas Outlaws. But I do remember the hype that surrounded the player and his choice of names. Of course, you can watch the XFL highlights on the classic sports channel, that is, if they acquired the rights. I think the name He Hate Me is a great expression of how many Christians believe and behave.
I am still in my infancy as a Christian. I know that there are many things that I do not know or understand. One of the things that I have great difficulty reconciling is when those the followed after the death and resurrection of Jesus, interpreted his teachings. If you read what Jesus has to say, it is no one is beyond redemption, all you have to do is ask for forgiveness and mean it, love one another as He loved us, mind your own house, and other teachings too numerous to detail. Yet, “Christians” all over the world are still judging people based on the very things Jesus taught us to accept about them. Jesus ate with the sinners and openly invited them to spend time with Him. He accepted them for who they were and through His teachings and actions, showed them a better way. I am not a big fan of going where the sinners are but as a Christian, through my actions, I can demonstrate to those who have not found Christ, that, His path leads to a healthier, fulfilling life.
I guess it would be easier if we gave those Christians, who find our actions objectionable, some way to identify us. If we all just wore jerseys that said maybe, Just Hate Me, we would be easier for those who have hate in their hearts to aim that hatred correctly. After all, as a Christian I love them. I do not have to approve of what they do or how they do it, I just need to love them. That does not mean that I agree with them. Maybe, by truly expressing the love that Christ has commanded us to express, I can turn their hearts to understand the scripture. We need to focus on the word of our Savior instead of trying to live by how others interpret His message.
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