Cobbs Bin

Friday, June 27, 2008

Why Is There No Ice In Poland?

This is a joke from my childhood. It was at a time when Archie Bunker provided the picture of how all middle class American families treated the rest of America. We have come a long way since the All In The Family days as far as race relations and how we view the world. My children have a very difficult time differentiating race, color, or nationality. What normally gives it away is their accent.

The punch line to the joke is "Because the lady with the recipe died." Unfortunately, this joke may not be too far wrong if scientist’s predictions are correct. Today’s Yahoo headline is straight from a sci-fi epic; “No Polar Ice This Summer.” Wow, what a prediction. This could be a disaster of epic proportions. I am assuming that they mean the North Pole and not Antarctica. If it is the South Pole, where would all of the penguins go?

We can chalk this up to another liberal media scare tactic spoon fed by the global warming (can I get another grant so I don’t have to actually work) scientists. This is probably put out by the same group that predicted the tremendous increase in hurricanes several years ago. We were going to lose the entire east coast for most of the hurricane season followed by severe drought and locusts. At least they didn't predict an outbreak of Freddy Kruegers and razor gloves on the west coast.

Now I hear we will have $7.00 gas in two years. Wow. It has only doubled in the last year, so $7.00 doesn’t seem that much of a stretch. I would have been more alarmed at $20.00 gas. I realize that the media thinks we are stupid and not capable of forming any opinion but theirs but come on. Start giving us actual factual news instead of raiding B science fiction plots for some tragic disaster to rile us up. It gives science fiction a bad name and certainly waters down some of the classic story lines.




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