Where There's Smoke...
What's west, dry and smokin? That's right, the great 49er state of Californication. We seem to have a little problem with fire out in California. I think someone in that state will be wetting the bed tonight. At least I have heard that people that play with matches suffer from that problem. Of course out there, it would result in some kind of compensatory damages paid by the match manufacturer to the ones that pee their bed and those who have to clean it up. That would be one way to stop fires by putting the match manufacturers out of business. Welcome to the modern business world.
So, why all of a sudden are all of these fires raging throughout the living rooms of the entertainment elite? Since the cameras are rolling, they must have something that needs to be portrayed for their adoring public. Let's talk about why this was caused by global warming or those evil logging companies and their abuse of our pristine natural surroundings. It can't be the simple explanation that mother nature has been burning since there was something to burn and this is the way things are. Man just happens to be in the way of the fires and unfortunately suffer the consequences of building things where they may get consumed during a fire. If you don't want your house to burn, build it under water. If that is an issue, there is always the North Pole.
It doesn't matter what natural disaster happens. Some whacko group is always looking to blame man for the destruction. Whether it is a hurricane, tidal wave or a raging forest fire, they feel the need to link some aspect of man to the event in the attempt to heap guilt. There must be something wrong with what we are doing that resulted in the event. It sounds like God is punishing us for being wicked except the sirens of doom are typically the unbelieving type. Tree huggers tend to worship at the altar of Global Climate Change with all collections going to Green Peace. Why can't things just happen because it is the way it is? Fires, tidal waves and hurricanes happened long before man was around. I guess we just needed to be told it was our fault. I am sure glad that the hollywood types are being put out of their houses so we can be put straight on our role in their plight. And cut...
So, why all of a sudden are all of these fires raging throughout the living rooms of the entertainment elite? Since the cameras are rolling, they must have something that needs to be portrayed for their adoring public. Let's talk about why this was caused by global warming or those evil logging companies and their abuse of our pristine natural surroundings. It can't be the simple explanation that mother nature has been burning since there was something to burn and this is the way things are. Man just happens to be in the way of the fires and unfortunately suffer the consequences of building things where they may get consumed during a fire. If you don't want your house to burn, build it under water. If that is an issue, there is always the North Pole.
It doesn't matter what natural disaster happens. Some whacko group is always looking to blame man for the destruction. Whether it is a hurricane, tidal wave or a raging forest fire, they feel the need to link some aspect of man to the event in the attempt to heap guilt. There must be something wrong with what we are doing that resulted in the event. It sounds like God is punishing us for being wicked except the sirens of doom are typically the unbelieving type. Tree huggers tend to worship at the altar of Global Climate Change with all collections going to Green Peace. Why can't things just happen because it is the way it is? Fires, tidal waves and hurricanes happened long before man was around. I guess we just needed to be told it was our fault. I am sure glad that the hollywood types are being put out of their houses so we can be put straight on our role in their plight. And cut...
If we accepted the fires as nature then it becomes a scary world for most people. They can not live with the uncertainty of the forces of nature and society, so they create a false connection that they believe they can control and this gives them the false feeling of safety. This has been going on for tens of thousands of years. Start with the cave paintings that first gave man the feeling of manipulation and connection with what appeared as the randomness of the world. We have been on this journey ever since.
You are right when we place ourselves into the path of fire and waves and hurricanes we may suffer, but in that suffering we can come together in love and comfort and support for one another rather then blame one another for irritating the gods and brining this wrath upon us. The loving caring support is something we do have control over and does help with the fear of an out of control world.
tiger bass, at 8:58 AM
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