Cobbs Bin

Friday, March 24, 2006

And the Winner Is…..

As the United States becomes more of a global player, we become less of a manufacturer of the goods that we buy. We have heard that we are in the information age and I think that I agree. We love to classify where we are at by the age we are in. There is the Stone Age, Bronze Age, Iron Age, Industrial Age, Automotive Age, Computer Age and now the Information Age. The progression through each has made it easier to do things and provided more leisure time for each culture. With first use of stone tools, to the use of computers to reduce the time it takes to do meticulous tasks, each advancement has offered man the opportunity to do more with less and reduce the amount of time it took to perform the task.

We are getting to the point where we no longer make things. We have pushed the envelope to get to the point where electrons and radio waves control our world. We have also created an environment where those who do not or cannot understand the technology in front of them are no longer able to contribute to the whole of society. There is no place for people who have rudimentary skill to go and just stand in front of a machine for 8 hours making trinkets. We have priced ourselves out of that market. We have become too expensive to be just labor. Our nation is known for our innovation yet each generation spends less time creating and more time enjoying the fruits of our past labors.

The rest of the world sees the fruits that Americans are enjoying. They see a land of plenty where everyone has a car and a place to live. All this while half of the world lives in hovels that lack in door plumbing and running water. Now, I do not see that this is America’s fault. We fought and won our independence from Britain, established a form of government that allowed us to flourish and the rest is history (sorry I couldn’t help myself). Most of these countries had the same opportunities we had and squandered their future on greed and oppression. Our fault? I think not. Do we owe them something? We had to deal with the European superpowers at our inception. Britain, France, Spain, Germany and Russia were all vying for power at the time yet we survived and prospered. They were still in their colonization modes and conquering the last of the “native lands” while Americans built a nation. No we do not owe them anything. We do however buy their goods and invest in their countries. We are doing something.

I have wandered so far from my starting point that I need to regroup. America is at the cusp of another change in ages. We have an antiquated education system that attempts to equalize instead of innovate. We have a legal system that perpetuates that equalization process. Any attempt to progress or better is looked on with disdain. Profit is right up there with rape on the scale of sins. We need a radical cranial rectotomy or as the Joker (Jack Nicholson) says in the original Batman movie, “This town needs an enema.” I think I will stick with prayer and vote every chance I get.




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