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Friday, December 02, 2005

Giving Back

“Oh what a tangled web we weave, when we practice to deceive.” Sir Walter Scott

The worst kind of deception is when we delude ourselves. In a country where money literally falls from the sky, (in comparison with the rest of the world), I find myself feeling that I am not contributing adequately to those in need. I hear about opportunities to give something back to those with needs on a daily basis and turn a deaf ear to the call. I look at the checkbook and it says “just enough for groceries and gas” but what about the dinner out last weekend or the trip to Michigan to see friends. Do we really need to do those things or are they luxuries that drain resources from doing a greater good?

As I write this, I am looking back over the year to see what I have given back to the community. At first, I am almost ashamed of myself as I do a mental review of the list. The thing that comes first to the list is what I put in the collection plate at church. I go to church without my wife on occasion and she has the checkbook. That means that I usually have a dollar or two from my wallet to put in the plate. On Sunday’s where we are both there, we never seem to make up for those lost opportunities to give to the church. Should I feel guilty? No. I have made a commitment to help pay off the church’s mortgage early. This will allow the ministry to concentrate on doing God’s work instead of scrapping to pay for the roof. That is commitment I will fulfill.

I have also started doing the soundboard at church. I was asked by a good friend at church if I would be interested in learning to run the soundboard and helping with sound at the services. We have three services on Sunday and you are there for you assigned day. It makes for a long Sunday but I enjoy playing with the sound and making sure that the music, the scripture and the message are heard loud and clear.

I had someone I am very close to call me and ask for some help with their bills. They were three days from having their house foreclosed and needed money wired to their bank or they would lose everything. We drained our savings and sent them the money. I have thought a lot about that decision and know that it was the right one. The money does not matter. Knowing that someone you love is safe and has a place to lay their head at night is the best gift.

We adopted another pet this year. What does that have to do with charity? We went through a pet adoption agency that saves animals from being put to death. We have saved one of God’s creatures from a short life to live with a loving family in a safe and loving home. That is a gift.

After reviewing my year, I have not given as financially as I feel that I should, but we must take care of ourselves and be healthy in order to minister to those in need. It is not always about the money. God has given us gifts to help us give back. They say charity begins at home. I know that it does not mean give to yourself first, it means that we demonstrate to our children and those around us by how we live our lives. By giving to others with our gifts, our time and our resources, we are doing God’s work.

Lord, help me to continue to work in thy service. Amen




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