A Thousand Words
It is time to once again focus on the practice of manipulation by the liberal mass media. There has been a swirl of stories about doctored photos of the Israeli incursion into Lebanon. The photographer of pictures discovered to have been altered has been suspended by Reuters news agency (I use the term news lightly). With technology being what it is, altering photos should be as easy as air brushing a Cosmo girl to get rid of a wrinkle or a pimple, so I wonder if things have been subtly altered for some time. But my concern is not over doctoring of pictures. That kind of manipulation can be ferreted out. I am more concerned with the content of what is being published.
It looks like every photo coming out of Lebanon shows the destruction caused by Israel. I have seen numerous shots of several people gathered around a woman who is crying. The implication is that someone in her family has been killed and she is mourning their loss. The women are always dressed in the typical peasant garb of what Americans would think of as Arab. There is always some other devastation in the background. It is so laughable. If the person truly lost a love one, they have my sincerest sympathy. However, there are too many of these pictures and they give the feel and appearance of being staged. Isn’t Hezbollah firing rockets into Israel and killing their citizens? Where are the front page pictures of that?
I am all for giving our media their constitutional rights. Freedom of the press is one of the unique American freedoms. What I don’t get is that our media, in an attempt to be “unbiased” to the world, ends up being traitors to the nation that provided their freedom. America has big shoulders and can withstand the onslaught but it does not help in our efforts to spread freedom to those oppressed nations. Americans are slowly responding by tuning out on those that demonstrate that they are traitors to our great country and by discovering when those traitors engage is acts of flagrant manipulation of the public trust.
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