Cobbs Bin

Friday, February 17, 2006

A Busy Day

One of the people that works for me has had a death in the family so they will be attending the funeral and be off of work for the day. Some people you can do without for a day and not really miss what they do. Some people can be gone for a week and you wonder if their job is really necessary. Some people take a half a day vacation and you think the world is ending.

Well, this person is the “go to” person at the plant for what to do when. She knows what needs to be made and seems to have a 6th sense about how things work. I am truly envious. She normally takes a week off around Easter and I fill in for her for 5 days which seems more like a month. The days are long, primarily because I am not as adept at her job as she is. I review everything two or three times and agonize about decisions that she just appears to casually make. I know that it is just the “in the trenches” doing it every day that provides that picture and that when I am filling in, it tends to initially overwhelm my inputs. Usually, by Friday, I am getting into a groove and the anxiety associated with the major life altering decisions is reduced to blips of concern on life’s daily path.

It is still the one day trips down the path of unknown that pump up the anxiety button, like an Air Jordon being played with by a 5 year old whose Ritalin prescription has just run out. You get that electric mixer churning the stomach and the distraction caused by every little concern clouding the decision making neurons. It is not a pretty sight. Plus, you have to get up an hour earlier to get prepared which throws off the sleep routine. There has to be an easier way to do this but after almost 18 years, I have not found it. There is no substitute for getting in the trenches and just slugging it out. I now truly understand why people are so focused on Friday. Two day to recharge the battery and then back to the salt mines. Funny, this doesn’t look like Siberia.




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