Cobbs Bin

Friday, September 23, 2005

Delta Dawn

I am an amateur cross word puzzler. I enjoy sitting down and working through the cross word puzzle in the local paper, always in pen, and about 50% successful. I was looking through a list of Greek letters on the internet, as they seem to be a constant on the cross word scene. Low and behold, off to the side of the table of Greek letters was a quote by Rene Descartes. It said, “If you would be a real seeker after truth, it is necessary that at least once in your life you doubt, as far as possible, all things.” Small world.

This led me to focus on the letter D in the Greek alphabet as it was right next to the quote. The letter D is named Delta in Greek and is represented as a triangle. Delta in the science world is the letter for change. Rene Descartes’ philosophy asks us to “doubt, as far as possible, all things” in the pursuit of truth.

How does one go about doubting something that they have a life long, steadfast belief in? If it is part of the bedrock on which your life is based, how do you develop doubts about it? Can we really change what we truly believe?

All of us have gone through changes in our lives. When I was 1st married, I believed in a woman’s right to choose. I can’t say that I was pro-abortion because it was not something I could have done, but I firmly believed that since it was not my body, it was alright to abort a fetus. My body, my rules. Over the last 15 years, I have listened to both sides of the argument and little by little changed my position. I think that being a parent had a big effect on the changes in my beliefs. Children are something to be treasured, and I know so many people that have gone to a foreign country to adopt children. All of those aborted babies with families begging to adopt them. It is much cheaper than going to China or Romania to adopt a child.

I will forego the discussion on the stigma of children out of wed lock. Some people ignore Jesus’ commandment to love thy neighbor, as thyself and do not realize who their neighbor it. I cannot cast a stone, I am also a sinner. Life is life, and once started becomes my neighbor.

So we can change. Some are little changes and some are profound. We are given each day to “grab them biscuits, and run” and as we watch the sun comes up to sip our coffee and ponder our doubt.




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